Docs Recommendations

Dear Patients,

I hope the new year is starting out GREAT for you. I wanted to give you a few web sites that I use often and keep in my web browser "Favorites"

The first is Medline Plus at This is a great site for easy access to information on all drugs and supplements, their use and side effects.

With this crazy weather on us, upper respiratory infections are common and I strongly recommend nasal irrigation as an easy and effective way to help manage these types of problems. Many of you have heard of the "netti pot"...if you are like me, you would dribble water all down the front of you and besides, there is little force behind pouring water into your nostrils. How about a high powered enema for your nose..yea!!! Go to  and click on products and then select the sinucleanse "Squeeze". I use this weekly. Inexpensive and it works great. Also remember to get your Vitamin D here in the winter's essential.

Finally, as you are making you new diet resolutions, remember the key for healthy eating is 1. lots of good protein, 2. make 1/3 of your diet raw, meaning fruits, minimally cooked vegies and salads and 3. eat good carbs, those with a glycimic index below 60. To find out what those are, go to .

This year, we are going to try to better educate our patients as to the conditions that can be treated with chiropractic care. Most people think only back and neck pain but we treat so much more and our new MultiRadiance Medical MR4 Laser is really helping us treat many other conditions. This month, our "condition of the month" is foot and ankle problems. Do you or anyone you know have painful plantar fascitis with/without heel spurs, or ankle/foot osteoarthritis or even "big toe gout" arthritis.

All of the above can often effectively be treated using Laser therapy, manual mobilization techniques and Kinesio taping.

When your feet hurt, the rest of your body can hurt and when the "foundation" is off and you are favoring one foot, there is often a domino effect of painful joints above.

Give us a call today at 392-3333.

Dr. Weckel

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